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So I've been thinking a lot lately about styling...ya know...those extra decor finishes, accents, and touches that you never think about, but that bring a space together and just leave it looking completely completed. When I was in the Event world, we made it our mission to be the one decor company that FINISHED and STYLED our rental packages. Hardly any rental or decor companies in town would ever come to an event and style it... you would rent a bar...and get a bar. Just a plain old, boring bar with nothing on it. Unless I was your rental/designer...I would load that bar up with centerpieces, candles..and make it complete. It upped our game for sure, and people started using us more because they knew that we were 1) a one-stop-shop for all things 2) going to deliver a beautiful, finished product and they didn't have to spend hours worrying about every little knick-knack. I did all of that for them. (and we all got the photo-ready space.)

So my interior clients every once in a while will ask..."What is this styling and decor line item on my bill?"

My response is usually..."It's everything!"

I mean, Sure I can show up with your sofa, rug, and coffee table, but what about all the elements that take that space from a room to a HOME. That gives it life? Personality? Style? That picture-perfect magazine-worthy vibe?

Trust me, you'll want that package to be a part of your grand reveal and every day living.

Be honest, between the two photos below...which room would you rather have??



Anyway, all this being said...I wanted to share some of my new favorite knicks and knacks, that you can now buy in my store! I'll also share some items, that are coming to my store soon! Reach out if you see something you just have to have!



New textiles I LOVE:

Room Decor and Accents :

Some of my favorite new items are coming soon! Reach out and sign up for our mailing list to be updated when new items are added to the shop!

Here is a sneaky peek of a small handful of items I've got my eye on to add to the store. What do you think? Would love to know your thoughts!

How gorgeous are these table runners??

I feel like every dog owner and lover needs this one...especially me

That's it for now, stay tuned for more stuff coming to the Design Mode store soon.

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